Fun and enriching ideas for a Preschool Summer Program
PLAY, LEARN, andBE INSPIREDduring the fun Summer Months!
Summer provides an opportunity to ease the heavier academics and explore the outdoors. The key to a successful Summer program is to BUILD EXCITEMENT. You can BUILD EXCITEMENT many ways by making small changes to the program's layout, schedule, and environment. Move around furniture, add outdoor toys/activities.
THEMES BASED DAYS or WEEKS: Cooking Week Summer Olympics Art Week Bring your wheels to school (scooters, trikes, bikes, helmets) Sports Camp (try out a new sport each day, or bring the sport out of the normal environment, i.e., play soccer in the soccer field, or play baseball at the baseball diamond) Game Day (bring games from home to share for the day) Special Visitors (bakers, dentists, family pets) Dance Week (each day focused on different style: hip-hop, scarf dancing, ballet)